Monday, September 24, 2012

Isn't inner beauty all that counts?..... NO

An older patient came in the other day for a regular cleaning and check-up. This patient has been coming to our practice for many years now and has always been a unique character. 
I got to pleasure to work on him that day. 

Me: Good Morning!
Patient: Good Morning. I chipped my front tooth yesterday. Do you have time to repair it today?
Me: Yes. You don't want to keep it chipped? It gives you character!
Patient: No. I don't want to look ugly.
Me: Awww. But isn't what's on the inside that counts?
Patient: No. Not really.

 This man has lived a full life. He has served our country for many years. He had several grandchildren and great grandchildren. He has been with his wife for many many years. So it is safe to assume he has accumulated much more wisdom than the average man. 

And it makes you think... does inner beauty count? does it matter how good-hearted you are? Will you get that boy's attention or that job position/promotion if you work hard and show you have a great personality? The answer is... NO!

We live in a world where sanity is vanity. Your life is measured with your materialistic objects. The newest and most expensive car that sits in your driveway. The supermodel wife that tans in your football field size backyard. Or the most up to date gadgets in your pockets. 

It really doesn't matter if you have the best application for the job. If you aren't beautiful in the public eye, chances are that you won't be getting a call back. It's the truth. Beautiful people have it easier. 
Why would I say such things? It's because it happened to me. My long-term college boyfriend of 6 years cheated on me because the other girl was "prettier". Yes. It didn't matter that I worked 6 days a week and studied my bum off to get myself into dental school. A profession that was able to sustain a family that I dreamed we would later on have. Giving him the option to become a house-dad (like his father) and enjoy his hobbies and interests. (Which was his idea to begin with)

But because my facial features did not surpass his new girlfriend's, I was kicked to the curb. It didn't matter what I did to show him that I cared, loved him and only wanted the best for him. I wasn't pretty enough to be his girlfriend anymore. I was left crying on my bedroom floor thinking that the only way I would be happy is to get plastic surgery.

Well. Yes. He is an jackass and not everyone is like him. But many people ARE!  Think about it. That girl or guy you have a crush on and want to get to know better. What initiated the attraction? His or her appearance. Hunchback of Notre-Dame was shunned regardless of his innocent heart. 

We all have to face the fact. We live in a superficial society. And there's nothing we can do about it. 

This is just another random rant by Yet Another Angry Asian Girl.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Learn some GODDAMN proper English!! - "Ham"

I was scrolling through my Facebook news feed when I came across a friend's friend post. 

I was trying intensely to figure out what he meant. Is he about to give some roasted pork to someone? Is he going pig hunting? Or maybe he is buying bacon at the store! I asked my roommate what her thoughts were. She had no idea. So I asked my other friend... Google. 

I have found several popular meanings of the phrase "goin ham..." 
Urban Dictionary - "Hard as a MotherF***er"
ChaCha Answers - To raise mayhem
Yahoo! Answers - "Hand around manhood" 

But there is no clear definition to what "goin ham" actually means. I have to assume the second definition (raising mayhem) is what my friend's friend meant in his Facebook status update since it's the one that made the most sense. Unless he really is updating that he is about to masterbate. Then I will be rendered speechless due to disgust.

What has this society been reduced to? And on another note. What does the word motherf***er really mean? F*** has been constantly been referred to as having sexual intercourse or intimacy with someone. So if you call someone motherf***er then are you insulting your own mother or them? Why would you ever imply that your mother had any kind of relationship with the dirty pathetic unless excuse for an human being that you are trying to insult? It would seem that you are calling your own mother desperate enough to seek company from this person. 

So really... if you are trying to imply that you are hard as a motherf***er then what are really saying? Just a thought.

I just cannot wrap my head around these useless pitiable phrases. 
Ok... Let me tell you guys the actual meaning of "ham"...

So... Please go learn some GODDAMN proper English! This is just another random rant by Yet Another Angry Asian Girl. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Please don't invade my PERSONAL BUBBLE!!!

Have you ever been waiting in line and you can literally feel the person whom is behind you breathing down your neck? Well I have and I find it UNACCEPTABLE in the American culture! 
Why do people feel the need to get so close? Are you going to spontaneously combust if you don't position yourself 2 nanometers away from my head? Or did I remember to take an shower that morning and now you're smelling my grapefruit shampoo? Or do you make it your life goal to make the people around you feel as uncomfortable as possible? 

You see. People in America have this upside down culture where we need personal bubble of at least 1.5 feet radius around them. But you can find the most intimate details of our lives on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn, Etc.... 

But the thing is... We still want our PERSONAL SPACE!

Here is a chart for those who this is their first encounter of personal space. Learn it! Memorize it! Utilize it! 

Well. Whatever insane preposterous theory you have spacial reasoning between you and me... change it! There are times when I want just "back that ass up" just to make you feel as uncomfortable as I am. Or I will purposely leave a huge gap between me and the person in front, just to see what you would do. 

Ok. It might be unfair since some people do come from countries and cultures where personal space is not an issue. But you're in American now! Give me my damn personal bubble!

This is just another random rant by Yet Another Angry Asian Girl.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Learn some GODDAMN proper English!! - "Minute"

I was at a restaurant the other day with my friend. We walked in and put our name on the waiting list. There was only one other party waiting at the time. A couple minutes pass and a waitress comes by and looks out into the waiting room. Then she loudly declares "nu-uh! this party right here been waiting a minute!" 

Me and my friend stares at each other in pure confusion.
Friend: "What is she talking about? They have been here for at least 5 minutes"
Me: "Maybe they are really gung-ho about their customer service"
Friend: "No. Not this place"

So after some contemplating (aka google searching on our iPhones) we figured out. The term "minute" means something entirely different on the urban dictionary than it does Merriam-Webster dictionary.

Urban Dictionary Definition:       

Webster Dictionary Definition:

Now who in the right mind who come up with this completely idiotic contronym?! Ah. You guessed it. PEOPLE WHO NEED TO LEARN SOME GODDAMN PROPER ENGLISH!

I cannot stand these "urban" or "slang" words and phrases. They downright drain all of my sanity away. English was my second language and I had a hard time learning it! And now people have to attach some ridiculous meaning onto simple terms. 

And to make matters even more frustrating, these are the very same people who complain about difficult life and how they feel discriminated against. Well. Yes! You are very much discriminated against. You are put into the group of people known was IDIOTS WHO NEED TO LEARN SOME GODDAMN ENGLISH! 

You want to know why the top firms are not falling head over heels for your applications?  Because they can't understand you! They have no idea what you are trying to convey to them! Just think seeing this on a resume or cover letter... I've been working for this company for a minute!... They are going to think that you were fired the moment you walked in! 

People... Please... Learn some GODDAMN proper English! 

This is just another random rant by Yet Another Angry Asian Girl.

I am a Asian women and I REFUSE to ever date an Asian man. - Jenny An

A well written piece by such an amazing women. I absolutely follow her philosophy on this subject. I am indeed an Asian women that absolutely refuses to date an Asian male. Jenny put it in the best way possible. Yes. Because I am racist. But not because of skin color. It is because of the patriarchy and cultural sexism. 

Males have always been seen as the superior gender in the Asian culture. And as tradition would play it's course, males would have control over the women. Why? Because of their elevated levels of testosterones? Because they have the ability to change a women's last name? Because they are seen to be the providers in the household? Because supposely they can take care of the family? These are all pathetic excuses of why Asian men should be looked as the more superior gender.

Don't get me wrong. I've tried dating "one of my kind"...twice... both turned out horribly wrong. They feel the need to be in control. They feel like it's their responsibilty to provide. And if they can't, their pride has taken a hit. So what if you can't pay the bills? Would it hurt to ask me instead of taking on loans and interest when a simple 'can you cover this babe?' would solve the situation?

My ex-boyfriend racked up his credit card up to $6000 before finally throwing his hands up to admit defeat and asking me for help. By that time, interest had already taken a good toll on him and not even to mention what it will do to his credit score.

I am tried of this unwritten rule that one must be with it's own kind. What if I don't belong to a certain kind? I am considered as Asian American. I am more familiar with the American traditions and morals than Asian. So why do people of my race find it difficult to understand when I feel more comfortable with Americans? What if I'm mixed and in love with different cultures and traditions. 

Yes. My mom, the traditional tiger mom, was born and raised in China pushes these policies and regulations on me. As if to say that only Asian males can make me happy. I love you mom, but that is the most pathetic thing I have ever heard.

Well enough said. My opinion is stated loud and clear by Jenny An.

This is just another random rant by Yet Another Angry Asian Girl.